Sep 03, 2021

5 Ways to Make Your Office Space Green

Office Spaces

You do not need to make sweeping changes in your office to turn it planet-friendly. Here are a few simple ways to turn your office space environment friendly as people working in a green office space:

Consider Natural Lighting
Turn off the overhead light and throw open the windows in your office. Nothing is better than natural light flooding your office space. If you have heavy drapes in the window, then push them aside. This will brighten up the office space. By reducing usage of artificial light you can save energy and also, reduce your electricity bills.

Print only when it’s urgent
Stop taking print outs at the drop of a hat. People have this habit of taking print out of each and every document quite injudiciously and most of the time, without any urgent necessity. Instead, shift to cloud-based technology. Scan all your documents and save them in cloud-based drives. This not only makes you tech savvy and gets rid of the pile of files, it also helps in turning your office eco-friendly by reducing paper usage.

Recycle and reuse
Keeping a recycle bin in your office won’t help unless you incorporate the habit of recycling and reusing. Paper is the most wasted commodity in your office. Try minimising wastage by reusing a paper before turning it to the recycle bin. A recycled paper uses 60%-70% less energy to produce compared to paper produced from the pulp. You can also reuse the paper by taking printouts on both sides.

Cut your Bills
Before you leave your office, don’t forget to turn off everything. Often, people tend to forget to turn off the power switches of their systems. Make this a habit in your office as it will help in making your office a ‘green office space’. Another way is to introduce light controllers and intuitive building management system. This ensures that every power connection is switched off automatically once office hours are over.

A Green Makeover
Introduce a few indoor plants in your office space. This brings a breath of freshness in your office. A few potted plants instantly change the ambience of the office.
These tips will not only help you save bills but also turn your office green. If you want office for rent in Delhi then get in touch with us. We can help you rent office space in Delhi. Call us today!

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