5 New Workspace Insights from Industry Experts

<h3><strong>Introduction&nbsp;</strong></h3> <p>Workspace planning has seen transformational adjustments in recent years, particularly in India, where office space use patterns are still evolving. With 63% of Indian enterprises seeking to extend their office spaces to suit hybrid working styles, the significance of strategic workplace design has never been greater. Efficient planning not only increases production but also promotes team creativity and collaboration. Industry experts&#39; insights are crucial for firms enhancing their surroundings to fit current needs. This article delves into five fresh perspectives from these professionals, customising guidance for the transforming landscape of workspaces in India.&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>Insight 1: The Shift Towards Hybrid Models.&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>The hybrid model, which combines remote and on-site work, has become a common feature of India&#39;s modern business environment. This transition was primarily motivated by the epidem...

Apr 24, 2024 By Steve Smith
