Benefits of a biophilic office design

<title></title> <p>Our work environment impacts our mood, performance, and productivity. Amidst our busy lives within the four walls of the skyscrapers, we barely get any time to connect with nature. With millions of digital distractions and deadline pressures, we are restricted to our cubicles and are pushed into a &lsquo;nature deficit&rsquo;.</p> <p>More and more companies are moving towards open office spaces to enable people to easily connect and enjoy the restorative effects of nature. Over the past few years, there has been a burgeoning demand for biophilic office design. Coworking space providers are constantly innovating and designing workspaces with elements that help us feel closer to nature &ndash; with a mix of natural elegant colours and patterns, indoor plants and even plant walls. Most of the shared coworking space providers are encouraging green elements to keep employees rejuvenated and maintain a positive vibe. We spend most of our time either commuting to work or c...

Sep 08, 2021 By Steve Smith
