Return to Safety First Workspace| Smartworks

<html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body data-gr-ext-installed="" data-new-gr-c-s-check-loaded="14.1028.0"> <p>With nearly two years of remote work behind us, we can finally see the haze from the pandemic lifting. The return to work of employees is eagerly anticipated, and employers are on the lookout for effective ways to ensure employee safety.</p> <p>Returning to work and dealing with reentry anxiety may be difficult for employees, going from the comfort and flexibility of home to diving right into &ldquo;office life&rdquo;. While employees prepare to return to work, businesses are looking for ways to implement some new adjustments that will help the transition go smoothly.</p> <h2>3 Things That Will Ease Reshifting Of Employees</h2> <h3><strong>Flexibility</strong></h3> <p>As enterprises continue to evaluate the best work models, while many are adopting hybrid work models, many have extended work from home. But they have come to realize that office is the fabric that enable...

Sep 08, 2021 By Steve Smith
