Sep 08, 2021

10 Tips to Improve Work-Life Balance


As life goes on under the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have to factor in a lot of new realities. This also means having to maintain a work-life balance for employees when it comes to working from home. Did you know, according to a recent survey, 62% of employees are connected to their work every week! Many do not even believe in having some personal time and a healthy work routine. This in the long run will affect their productivity and increase burn-out rates for businesses.

The erosion of work-life balance can be blamed for many factors, avoidable and unavoidable, such as long hours or urgent deadlines. However, it is also more complex than that, for productivity should also be factored in. Productivity can only be achieved if employees are motivated and satisfied with their job. Factors that can help in improving productivity can be the type of peers/colleagues, work environment, and meeting their basic requirements.

When it comes to the work environment, the traditional silo workspace is increasingly being replaced by open desks and collaborative spaces. Coworking space like Smartworks goes beyond and provides an agile workspace that reflects the company and its people.

Here are 10 Tips to Improve Work-Life Balance:

1. Prioritise Most Important Task First

For any work, it is important to make a list of your task load and then prioritise them from the importance. Some can be urgent and those need to be tackled first too. Making a priority list will help in knowing the amount of work and the actual time it will take. This will ensure you can schedule your work time accordingly.

2. Learn To Say No

Often, one gets bogged by too much work. Is it possible that you have taken tasks that belong to some other department just because you wished your superiors? For a new employee this can be tricky, however, no matter how much experience you have, learn to say no to work that does not belong to you. There’s no need to take extra work when you are already inundated with your own. Only when you have some free time should you check up on your colleagues to assist them in their tasks.

3. Take Your Designated Breaks

It is quite easy to lose yourself in your work. But do not become a person who ‘forgets’ or skips their lunch break. Replenishing your body with sustenance is required to make you productive. Skipping lunch and taking up unhealthy eating habits will have a long-term effect on your health. Take the time to replenish your body with food and drinks.

4. Be Part Of A Community

Working in an office environment doesn’t mean to be sitting at your desk the entire day. Many companies work out from coworking space and one should take advantage to interact with the diversity of people. Being part of a community, hobby, or career networking, helps in uplifting the mood and boosting productivity.

5. Keep Multi-Tasking To A Minimum

Multi-tasking is both a boon and a bane. Some can do it efficiently, some cannot. However, the majority of corporate leaders agree, that multi-tasking often reduces productivity as it stretches our focus and multiple works can be distracting thereby affecting the simplest of tasks. Focus on one thing and get it done quickly and move to the next task.

6. Face-time

Spend some time in direct interaction with your boss or team. As a junior hire, one can schedule weekly or daily interaction with your boss, alternatively, if you’re a team leader set some time for your team. In both instances, it helps in giving and receiving feedback, set up the journey for the week which helps improve the work-life balance.

7. Unplug

Self-care is critical to being successful in your work. Unplug from your mobile and desktop, and take at least half an hour or an hour for yourself. This helps in not only resting your mind but also recharging yourself. Make up for the lost time by fully focusing on your tasks at hand. Utilise this short break for self-improvement.

8. Pick Up A Hobby

Picking up a hobby outside of work can help improve your body and mind. Hit the gym or take up trekking. Various research has shown that people who take leisure time help them become better leader.

9. Seek Assistant

If your work is becoming tiresome and making you unproductive, there’s nothing wrong in seeking assistance or help from your boss or colleagues. Sometimes work pressure can spill over your personal life but taking positive action by reaching out and talking about your feelings can help alleviate unwanted stress.

10. Change Is Good

This point is not about changing your job, but rather, changing your daily routine. Ask yourself what changes can help improve your work-life balance. Can you purchase groceries over the weekend or online? Can a client meeting be scheduled when there’s less traffic on the road? Build systems within your day to help you become more productive and maintain the work-life balance.

Working in any corporate space can be tiring and stressful, however, work-life balance can be maintained and it all depends on the individual. Taking necessary proactive steps and measures can help a person improve their confidence, maintain work during office hours and be able to provide the necessary time for the family, be it helping around the house or assisting in their kid’s homework. Work-life balance is important from the business perspective to boost an employee’s morale and productivity.

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