Sep 08, 2021

5 Characteristics that Make Good Workspaces GREAT

Office Spaces

Times are changing fast. Workspaces that people yearned for, expected and cared about a few years ago are so different than today. The first priority for founders and managers today is to create an environment where the work is both exciting and challenging. A place where careers blossom and the bottom line thrives.

So what are the essential values and behaviors that every organization must follow to thrive in the future? What can an organization do to ensure that a workspace is a place where employees want to be and not have to be? Focus on creating a workspace that goes way beyond choosing nice decor or comfy chairs.

In this article, we’ve enlisted five essential characteristics of a workplace that attracts and motivates people to come to work every day.

Below are the 5 Characteristics that make Workspaces Great

Authentic Leadership

The success of any great workspace arguably hinges on great leaders. From executives down to front-line managers, authentic leaders demonstrate respect, credibility, and fairness to employees and the organization.

These leaders consistently present a clear vision for their company and increase trust every time they listen carefully to employees and live up to their word. So start by identifying, hiring and promoting leaders who cultivate strong bonds with their teams, connect everyone to the mission of the organization, and spotlight team members’ successes.

Also Read: 5 Must-Read Books For Entrepreneurs Recommended By Billionaires like Steve Jobs

Clear Purpose

A great workplace, or any workplace for that matter, has a clear and specific purpose for existing which is captured and ingrained in every action or decision a company takes. A 2014 study by Deloitte found that an organization that focuses on ‘purpose’ is an organization that inspires higher levels of confidence among stakeholders and one that boosts growth. Similarly, a 2010 Burson-Marsteller/IMD Corporate Purpose Impact study found that a strong and well-communicated corporate purpose can contribute up to a 17 percent improvement in financial performance.

So make sure that your organization has a clear purpose in place. Your employees should have a clear understanding of this purpose and must be enlightened by leaders as to how their roles help to achieve the company’s purpose.

Equal Opportunities

The cardinal rule of a great workspace is maximizing its human potential. When all employees are at their best at work, it’s better for businesses, better for people and better for the world.   

Create a culture that allows every employee to be innovative and contribute to their own capacity. Even Apple’s Steve Jobs firmly believed companies that want to retain great employees have to let them make decisions. IBM in 2006 invited 150,000 employees, family members, business partners and clients to an online brainstorming session called an ‘Innovation Jam.’ Participants from 104 countries responded, and their ideas led to $100 million in investments by IBM on suggested projects.

Diversity & Inclusion

With the millennial generation entering and representing the significant segment of the workforce, the expectations are changing. Workforce, today, expects their employers to create inclusive spaces around gender, race and even sexual orientation. They look forward to open and candid communication where everyone should be able to voice their perspective respectfully.  

Therefore, companies should take note and add multigenerational positions within the organization where inputs from anyone and everyone are appreciated.

Workspaces that WOW You

Employees today don’t need a lavish multi-story office to feel more productive. Design working environments that are safe, comfortable and hassle-free. Ideal workspaces are those where people feel free to move around, don’t feel tied to their desks, and create more opportunities for creative collaboration.

That’s where co-working spaces like ours come into play. Make a switch today to spaces that allow for privacy, collaboration, and networking.

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