Sep 08, 2021

Misconceptions Around Managed Office Spaces| Smartworks

Office Spaces

As managed office spaces are the new trending thing in India and it becomes priority for every company because every organization wants to create a better environment for its employees. But every story has two sides. There are some misconception about flexi office space because it's new trend in India. But everyone knows change takes time but change is the only constant. Smartworks are here to change the perception of people towards managed office space & Yes Smartworks will change the game forever.

"Change is the only constant in life"- Heraclitus

4 Common Myths About Managed Office Spaces- 

Flexible Leases Are Only for Small Businesses

While Smartworks has been home to many small enterprises a big pool of our clients are big enterprises as well. These enterprises have aggressive goals, fast-paced plans, and need quick actions, so they benefit from flexibility just as much.

Flexible leasing help enterprises plan for an unpredictable future. The flexibility here opens more room for negotiation and we believe that companies should not be stuck with terms today that don’t make sense tomorrow.

Whenever a high-growth business wants boots on the ground in India, we support them with more than 31 centers in the 9 key cities at prime locations.

Cost-cutting Is a Dream! There Are Hidden Charges

There is a common misconception around the spaces and amenities provided by the managed offices, enterprises often puzzle themselves with the fear of hidden costs. We say a big NO to that, smart work has been the witness to the growing journey of many enterprises and they are a testament to the fact that there are no hidden charges.

At Smartworks we bring forward cost-cutting solutions that can help you focus on the core operations and give absolute focus to your growth. Flexibility helps you grow your spectrum without worrying about the chunks of investments. Flexibility helps you stay ready for the asymmetrical future.

We charge only what we asked!

Customization Is a Long-lost Dream in Managed Office Spaces

Managed office spaces are all about customization! We at Smartworks work hand in hand with the enterprises to create the workspace they want to come to daily. We bring out the perfect blend of the business ethos and the aesthetics that make workplaces easing and beautiful. We make spaces that are all you from day one.

Customization is just a small part of what managed workspaces offer, they provide ample opportunities to grow with employee engagement activities and open areas inviting collaborations.

Managed Offices Are Not Here to Stay

Managed office spaces have become the first choice in the Tier 1 cities, as they make operations easier, take care of the day-to-day upkeep and management. With the changing needs of the market managed office spaces are getting into non-metro cities as well. Managed spaces are bringing in more technological advancements, making building digitally optimized and giving the much-needed safety assurance with no-touch pantry and touchless mask and temperature checks.

Rest assured, Managed offices spaces are here to stay!

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