Sep 08, 2021

Solving the Snag with Smartworks: Vibe ain’t right!

Are the daily tasks lists and meetings the only reasons for your gloomy mood and fatigue? While most of us unconsciously blame it on the certain external factors, we miss the most important one- the vibe of your workplace.

The vibe of any place has the power to set the mood for the day, and this holds true for coworking spaces as well. Depending on who or what is using the space, a coworking space can go from utter chaos one day to being as quiet as a library the next.

Even at a regular office space ‘work’ becomes a convenient scapegoat. However, the real culprit is the disapproving vibe existing in the air around you. The inexplicable nagging and constant pessimism have become quite prevalent in most workplaces. At a coworking space, the intensity of such a vibe tends to increase due to the variety of companies working there. Every firm working in the vicinity will have their good and bad days which most likely won’t be in sync with yours. While most days would be spent in harmony, there will be others where this ‘vibe’ might float over to your side.

Fret not, at Smartworks; we believe the vibe at a coworking space can only be what you make of it. And it can be so much more than just another place to get work done. The potential for productive networking within a coworking space is one of the significant advantages. Interacting with individuals beyond your colleagues can be therapeutic of sorts. When done right, this networking can be low-key and feel as productive as a brainstorming session with colleagues.

That said, there needs to be just the right amount of interaction and privacy. At Smartworks, we provide fully-customizable workspaces to suit your business and employees needs. From a smart suite, a non-intrusive office space that shadows your business’ ethos, to a smart cube, a space with the best of both worlds- private, with the benefits of networking as well. There is an option to suit every need. Moreover, regular interactive events act as an ice-breaker between firms. It not only provides a much-needed breather from mundane work but also presents an excellent opportunity for healthy networking.

Lastly, the coworking mentality is one of openness. We believe in nurturing a supportive community where one shares the knowledge that can not only help a co-worker but also lead to future gains. We also believe in creating a harmonious environment where all our members can thrive in good energy.

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