Sep 08, 2021

Three Ways To Utilize Your Office Space In The New Normal | Smartworks

Office Spaces

The pandemic has disrupted the world economy, business and even the way we work. While work from home was a temporary makeshift solution to curb the spread, there is no denying that it is not the future of work. Remote working, not only multiplies working hours, it also brings forth a feeling of isolation owing to the lack of communications and shared experiences between colleagues.

Home offices do not provide the necessary infrastructural and technological support required by employees to conduct business operations. As businesses consider workspace resumption, workspace strategies in the new normal would revolve around de-densifying office spaces, physical distancing and greater emphasis on personal hygiene for promoting a safe and healthy work environment for employees.

Workspace experience in the New Normal would be nothing like we have known before, it would be driven by contactless technology and focus on a holistic approach towards employee wellbeing. Shared workspace providers are incorporating touchless technology and deploying in-house apps for greater networking and collaboration.

Here Are Three Ways to Utilize Your Office Space in the New Normal:

1. Distributed Workspace Solutions

While the thought of resuming workspace operations is exciting, it does bring forth a huge gamut of challenges. Workspace resumption in the new normal calls for various flexible solutions to cater to the new employee needs and safety best practices.

With social distancing being the new pre-requisite to resuming workspaces, spreading out in the same office space is giving a rise to statistical issues due to the limited availability of space with traditional workspace providers.

Coworking spaces help businesses resolve this problem by providing flexible distributed workspaces across multiple locations and letting them lease more office space as per their unique workforce and business requirements.

These distributed workspace solutions do not require any additional CAPEX investment from businesses, as their coworking space partners provide completely equipped ready-to-move in office spaces to their members on flexible lease options to help them function and resume operations in full swing.

2. Work Near Home

Owing to the current scenario, commuting to and from work using the public transport is maximizing the risk of being exposed to the Coronavirus. Most employees wish to minimize their commute to work and work near their homes. This work near home phenomenon has become a recurring demand by employees, flexible space providers are helping businesses combat this problem by allowing their member employees access coworking spaces/centres closest to their homes.

Such flexible solutions offered by coworking spaces are allowing businesses de-densify their office spaces by working across satellite hubs while distributing their workforce and resuming work with their full strength.

3. Leveraging the Coworking Community

Now more than ever, startups and entrepreneurs can collaborate and network within the coworking community to open new avenues for business growth and regain their footing. The coworking community acts as a steady network for businesses to support each other and grow, while recovering from the pandemic.

Conventional workspace providers have rigid mobility and agility. They do not offer the necessary infrastructural accessibility and support for growth and downsizing options. They also have limited facilities and amenities. They do not possess sufficient capabilities to accommodate the current requirements of businesses.

However, coworking spaces provide businesses the opportunity to maximize/minimize their geographical footprint as per their business needs while providing a tech-enabled working environment for their employees to maximize their productivity and efficiency.

As the world of work is continuously evolving, coworking spaces provide all the necessary infrastructural and technological support to businesses for a safe and healthy work experience.

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