Sep 08, 2021

Women’s Workplace Wishlist: Smartworks Edition

Office SpacesPeople and EngagementWorkplace and space management

As women achieve power, the barriers will fall. As society sees what women can do, as women see what women can do, there will be more women out there doing things, and we’ll all be better off for it. - Ruth Bader Ginsburg  

Born on March 15, 1933, in Brooklyn, New York, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a prominent American lawyer and jurist who served as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1993 until her demise in 2020. She is one of the most prominent modern figures who fought against gender discrimination and inspired generations of women to break gender barriers. 

For the longest period of time, workspaces were designed and equipped with limited facilities, reflecting the dominance of relentless work culture. For women, workplace flexibility and expectations are no longer limited to maternity and menstrual leave. While maternity and menstrual leaves are important, the women of tomorrow seek a work culture that goes beyond traditional facilities. 

The more time we spend at our workplace, the more familiar we become with our desk, laptop, pedestal, and steaming hot beverage. In simple words, the workspace becomes our second home. Now, if it is a home, women are bound to have some expectations, isn’t it? If we talk about the Indian workplace landscape, women are breaking the stereotypes and emerging as leaders, innovators, and key contributors across various industries. 

Moving further, we will talk about what exactly do women expect from their workplaces. 

4 Factors that are Empowering Women in the Workplace

Flexible Work Arrangements

One of the major work settings that has emerged in the past few years is flexible work arrangements. Flexible work arrangements are especially crucial for women, as they frequently juggle multiple responsibilities. Beyond the traditional 9 to 5 setups, flexible work setups include a spectrum of various settings like hybrid work, compressed workweeks, and flexible work hours. This transformational approach encourages companies to implement work flexibility and empowers women to tailor their work schedules for a better work-life balance. 

Also read: 5 Tips for a Better Work-Life Balance for Working Moms

Guidance and Networking Opportunities

Women of the 20th century refuse to settle for the bare minimum to get by, Instead, they hold themselves to much higher expectations, serving as an inspiring example for everyone. All they need is a little support and guidance to maximise the available opportunities. It’s not just about achieving career milestones but also about fostering bonds that break barriers in the highly competitive work landscape.

Equal Pay and Growth Opportunities

Fighting for Equality, Esther Peterson led the movement for equal pay and improved labor standards by advocating on behalf of working women in the United States. There have been many personalities in the past who ignited several movements for women’s rights and equal pay. Women not only expect equal pay but also seek an environment where their contributions do not go unnoticed. Today, Women in the workplace are more ambitious than they were ever before, and companies are also addressing this shift with transparent promotion processes to provide career advancement opportunities.

Access to Wellness Amenities

Flexible and managed office spaces are often equipped with a range of top-notch amenities. These include wellness programs, ergonomic furniture, onsite creches, medical rooms, snooze rooms, and smart grocery stores that provide an ideal work setting for women to not only focus on their work but also ensure personal care and work-life balance. 

In conclusion, women in the workplace today are seeking an environment of inclusivity, respect, recognition, and growth. They expect employers to offer flexible work arrangements that accommodate the demands of both their professional and personal lives. Ultimately, creating a workplace that addresses the expectations of women not only enhances job satisfaction and retention but also drives overall organisational success and innovation. 

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